I can't say I have studied very much about Quantum Physics. However, it interests me greatly, in a "tie-it-all-together" sort of way. Could Quantum Physics and Spirituality be related?

Quantum Physics explains that particles behave like waves, and conversely, waves behave like particles . . . based on expectation. If you take that to the level of "consciousness" then you could say that consciousness creates a result, based on expectation. If consciousness is spiritual, could it be that the mere thought one has creates the result? Self-fulfilling prophecies are one example of this. ESP is another. You get what you expect to get . . . because you create the result!

The Aborigine say that there are different worlds, or planes, and as you make a psychic connection to "you" in a higher plane, you begin to live a better life. Jesus also spoke of the "Kingdom" being internal, and external, or in other words, a connection, or portal. Consciousness may just be a portal, an illusion in itself. But an illusion we can control through positive energy.

Again, the themes of Oneness, Energy and Flow appear. The Aborigine and Jesus, along with all the other disciplines on the left, do have one giant thread connecting them. Science and Spirituality may indeed meet. What a mystery Life is . . .


To learn more . . .


Zen & The Art of Motorcycle Maintaince*


The Celestine Prophecy*

The 10th Insight *

Secret of Shambala *

God & the Evolving Universe*

What the Bleep Do We Know

The Tao of Physics

The Web of Life

On the Road


What the Bleep Do We Know Film Website

* Already on my book/DVD shelf, or experienced



Jack Kerouak
Start Quote Happiness consists in realizing it is all a great strange dream.End Quote
Jack Kerouac