In Alice Springs I first encountered the Aboriginals. Unfortunately most are living lives of despair. In their 40,000 years they are the oldest surviving culture on Earth. Although they have only been in contact with the white man for one-half of one percent of this time, their culture and their spirit is on the verge of extinction.

Theirs is a world of Oneness, where everything is connected. People, animals, plants and even rocks share the same spirit. There is no concept of ownership and the rule of Life is to share what you have. The Aboriginals of the Outback are connected to the Land, as the Land provides what they need. It knows what they need.

The Aboriginals are unique in that they have developed an ability to use telepathy; to speak to others without verbal communication. As I explored their sacred sites and slept under their Universe in the bush, I realized that they lived on the spiritual plane, or how some would call it, one consistent with unified field theory or quantum physics. Their world has no ego. Could it be that they know the meaning of Life; that which eludes the western world? Do they have the wisdom needed to save man from self-destruction? I think so. Instead of expecting the Aboriginal to assimilate into the western society, shouldn't we think about assimilating into theirs? Why can't we learn from them?

If you are interested, there's more to read in "The Journey" on my Australia site (link on your left).

And no, I did not climb the rock . . .

To learn more . . .


Understanding Aborigine Culture*

Aboriginal Men of High Degree*


Rabbit-Proof Fence

Aboriginal Myths, Legends & Fables*

Mutant Message Down Under (Fiction)*

Wisdom from the Earth




Rabbit-Proof Fence



Uluru - Kata Tjuta National Park*

Watarrka National Park (king's Canyon)*

Chief's Tour (Adventure Tours)*

Rod Steinart's Aboriginal Dreamtime and Bushtucker Tour*

The Journey - Brian Hill*


* Already on my book/DVD shelf, or experienced

His Holiness the Dalai Lama
Start Quote

The tourist comes here with the camera taking pictures all over. What has he got? Another photo to take home, keep part of Uluru.

He should get another lens - see straight inside. Wouldn't see big rock then. He would see that Kuniya living right inside there as from the beginning. He might throw away his camera then.End Quote

Kunmanara, Traditional Owner of Uluru