You are what you eat. Your body and the choices you make impact your overall health. It is your physical connection to the world. If you put toxins into your body, then you become a toxin. If you put pure, energy-rich green foods from the earth, you strengthen your connection to the earth. And to the Universe.


Unfortunately Americanization has led to unhealthy eating habits. It's easier to go to McDonalds than to make a spinach salad, and too often Coke Light/Diet Coke is preferred over water.


As we've progressed on the material front, we've become addicted to instant gratification. 24-Hour supermarkets, 7-11's, and now the internet offers instant access to goods. As well, Life has become faster, more confusing and more demanding. The result is now tons of people are on mental health medications and similar drugs, rates of depression are growing, along with job instability and consumer debt. Are we self-destructing??


One alternative is to eat high-energy foods which improve mental health and lower stress. Organic foods are what nature intended. Vegetarians also consume far less of the worlds food resources than meat eaters (and they don't absorb the negative energy from killing an animal).


Since the body is the connection to the earth, it's important to reduce, reuse and recycle. The earth and you are One Spirit. Every time you throw away rubbish into the environment or use petrol, you are actually polluting yourself.


In short, a commitment to a healthy body ensures a healthy mind and healthy spirit. Anyway, Life is too precious to waste on crap.





His Holiness the Dalai Lama
Start Quote Even though the body appears to be material, it is not. In the deeper reality, your body is a field of energy, transformation and intelligence. End Quote
Deepak Chopra