We all need food to live. That is a fact. However, the foods we choose to eat is what is important. As agriculture has become big business, the need to squeeze every cent out of animals and the land has taken priority in the quality of food that is grown. Pesticides may kill bugs, but they also are toxins to humans. Genetic alterations to once-health choices like apples make one consider if one a day really does help keep the doctor away. Sure the apple may look good and may be big and shiny, but c'mon, Is that the way nature intended? Can you really trust the food industry?

Naturally the concern goes past fruits and veggies, and extends throughout the food chain. Can you really trust chicken breast anymore, knowing that the chicken was treated cruelly during its Life and injected with growth hormone? The same with pork and beef. Even fish is farmed to make more money for the businesses, at the detriment to the person who consumes it.

My philosophy is to eat organic whenever possible, especially "skinless" fruits and veggies like spinach (my favorite) and tomatoes. I also make sure I am also eating locally-grown foods if possible. Although I am still trying to go pesco-vegeterian, I am not there yet. However, I buy my meats at Whole Foods Markets to ensure the quality and absence of hormones and antibiotics.

Live Life Naturally!


To learn more . . .


Grow Younger, Live Longer *

Ageless Body, Timeless Mind*

The Organic Food Guide

Clear Body, Clear Mind



Whole Foods Markets

Local Harvest

Sydney Organic Markets


Start Quote It isn't hard to see the benefits of organic food. It's about living One with nature.End Quote
Brian Hill